Land! The only commodity that increases in value day by day. But, how to make available such a costly item to the common man? How do people start a business when the land value exceeds the capital investment?
Actually, a business space requires only a few sq. ft. Whereas the land available in the market is available only in cents or acres. Pure contradiction! Buyers can't afford the entire area whereas the owners won't be ready to divide the land. Yet another fact is that, landlords don't want to divide their inherited property but want to promote their family name in the land they own. Mutual understanding and benefits must happen in this case!
We had the perfect solution! A mutually beneficial one! Undivided share!
We build commercial spaces and make them available to the common man free of rent and at affordable prices through monthly installments! If you have the idea, whether it's office space, commercial space or anything related to business and entertainment, we have the perfect place! Spaces with easy accessibility, perfect visibility and scope for future developments! Your investment will grow parallel to the land value due to the location-specific advantages!
Benefits are double for the land owners- guaranteed amount higher than the land value, and a building with their name engraved that will stand the test of time!
Earlier, living spaces like flats or apartments were considered as the wisest investment options! But if we look at the current scenario, their growth rate is less compared to commercial projects. Investing in residential projects doesn't serve equal monetary advantage. In today's highly competitive residential building industry, both local and national players are competing with equal spirit. New players provide more and more value additions! Modern buildings give way to even more modern ones! And the price hike is made even for the smallest up-gradation in the amenities.
On the other hand, commercial spaces are not affected by any of these factors. You can invest in a space where the value solely depends on the location. You have the freedom to start any business that will grant you maximum satisfaction and monetary benefits. Or you can sell it for a significant increase in value.
Why think any further? Join hands with Lichen for a truly profitable future!